Dear AGROMIX community,


As we approach the final year of the AGROMIX research project, we can see ever more clearly how this ambitious endeavour has yielded groundbreaking insights into a more sustainable agriculture. This is possible thanks to the dedication of our partners, who have worked hard discussing concepts at the ground level, gathering technical data and engaging in teamwork to put agroforestry theory into practice. Among many other things, they have also helped to boost a wider understanding of the financial aspects of agroforestry and have curated policy recommendations at a national and EU level.

But as we approach the project's conclusion, it is time to shift our focus towards disseminating the project’s main outcomes in the upcoming events AGROMIX is organising. First, a Public Conference in Serbia at the beginning of October will allow us to share our findings with a broader audience, engaging farmers and policymakers in discussions about the future of sustainable agriculture and the potential implementation of agroforestry practices. Then, in spring 2024, the Policy Forum in Brussels will bring experts and stakeholders together to shape agricultural policies based on our research achievements right in the heart of Europe. But before that, the project will be represented over the next trimester at the German Agroforestry Forum in September 2023 as well as the Agroecology Forum in Hungary and the International Agroforestry Conference, both set for November 2023.

It is an important time for AGROMIX partners when it comes to our core endeavour to make farming more efficient and more sustainable by offering our research and knowledge on the potential use of innovative farming practices such as agroforestry and mixed farming. These upcoming events during the final year of the project are key moments to reach out to our target audiences, with special attention given to farmers and policymakers at a national and EU level.

AGROMIX Work In Progress

WP1. Progress is being made on the final task of WP1 (T1.5), which will prepare a review of the resilience framework and indicators, based on the achievements of the work packages. This will be further discussed at the upcoming AGROMIX consortium meeting to be held in Belgrade in early October. 

WP2. In the early summer, two films were shot during a visit to the Blue Pig Farm, an AGROMIX pilot farm run by Carl Sheard in western France. The first of these videos delves into the agroforestry and mixed farming practices being harnessed at the pig farm and offers an overview of agroforestry in France through enlightening interviews with Clémence Berne and Brieuc Desaint from the French Research Institute for Organic Food and Farming (ITAB). The full video is available to watch here. A second video focusing on rotational grazing for pigs is set to be published on ITAB’s YouTube channel in early October.

WP3. Following a meeting in Plasencia, Spain, attention has turned towards an upcoming WP3 gathering that will take place during the AGROMIX conference in Belgrade. This time will be used in order to further discuss some of the models and tasks being worked on and to update other WP managers.

WP6. Seven partners within WP6 have organised two rounds of 14 policy workshops, 13 of which have been held with a final one set to take place in the coming months in Switzerland. These workshops, which aim to foster the co-development of policies, are to be followed up with reports and summaries.

News from the project

In our latest video we caught up with farmer Carl Sheard on his Blue Pig Farm in western France. The AGROMIX pilot project site integrates agroforestry and fodder crops for pigs. With this combination, Carl seeks to become more autonomous by producing his own pig feed, enhance the welfare of the pigs and improve the quality of the meat.
Find out more about Carl's Blue Pig Farm
The second multi-stakeholder Policy Workshop within the CEE region took place online on 27 July, hosted by AGROMIX partners CEEweb. The workshop focused on promoting agroforestry and mixed farming systems. Participants aimed to create policy recommendations for an EU-level policy white paper and summit. The event concluded with discussions on agroecological transitions and their importance for climate change mitigation and adaptation. The event was followed by a field visit in Savar, Hungary, on 9 August.
Discover the outcome of the Workshop
AGROMIX invited a host of stakeholders, including representatives of the European Parliament and the Commission, to explore policy recommendations in carbon farming in agroforestry and agroecology, with focus on the benefits of carbon sequestration. During the workshop, participants discussed recommendations such as climate advisory services, land access protection, emission reduction strategies, and transparent certification processes. For more in-depth insights, we invite you to explore the PDF policy factsheet, which is available for download.
Read the article !

Upcoming Conference

Branching out: Agroforestry insights in Europe and Serbia

This AGROMIX public conference will take place in Belgrade on 3 October 2023. Hosted by the Network for Rural Development of Serbia, the conference will showcase a wide range of local and international perspectives on agroforestry and mixed farming. The meeting will feature input from government representatives and presentations from the project as well as an ‘Ask the Expert’ panel session.
Information and registration


FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation

FAO's first Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation, set for 25-27 September 2023, in Rome, will gather stakeholders to explore sustainable animal source food production and resilient local livestock systems aligned with FAO's Strategic Framework and SDGs. The event will cover themes like improved livestock production, nutrition, sustainable practices, and support for small-scale producers.
More information about the event

The 9th Forum Agroforestry Systems

The 9th Forum Agroforestry Systems is scheduled for 27-28 September 2023, in Freiburg, Germany. This event facilitates the exchange of knowledge and practices in agroforestry and will feature field trips on 27 September and a conference day on the 28 September, making it a valuable opportunity for agroforestry enthusiasts.
More information about the event

Agroecology Forum 2023

16-18 November 2023 - The 2023 Agroecology Europe Forum is a 3-day in-person event gathering experts from all over Europe for dynamic and interactive dialogues around key European policy issues.

More information about the event

International Agroforestry Conference

16-17 November 2023 - The International Agroforestry Conference aims to highlight the benefits of integrating trees into farming and empowers farmers to pursue profitable and climate-conscious agriculture.
More information about the event


Assistant Outreach Adviser – Trees in the Landscape

The Woodland Trust is offering a part-time role as an Assistant Outreach Adviser for tree conservation and agroforestry in West Mid Wales and Snowdonia. The role involves collaborating with farms, land businesses, and communities to contribute to landscape-wide nature recovery and climate change mitigation.

About the job !

Specialised Agroforestry-Bocage Technician (in French)

Cette mission s'inscrit dans l'objectif de contribuer au développement de l'ARBRE en partenariat avec les collectivités, les agriculteurs, les partenaires privés et les particuliers, en lien avec le Liger Bocage 2 et le programme de soutien à la plantation du Département du Maine-et-Loire.

About the job !

 On the radar

Agroforst Podcast (in German)

Explore the world of Swiss agroforestry through insightful conversations with experts from various fields. With 12 episodes, this German-language podcast offers a deep dive into agroforestry systems, opportunities, and challenges.

Discover the episodes

Agroforestry Training Day and Workshop

4-5 December 2023 - Explore agroforestry at the two-day Training Day and Workshop. Learn from leading experts on tree selection, planting, and research priorities. The event is open to farmers and land managers.

More information to register

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