This booklet is an informative guide to the Irish Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine Agroforestry measure - Forest Type 8 (FT8) under the Afforestation Scheme 2023 - 2027.

2.Agroforestry benefits
3.Who can apply?
4.Support rates
5.Suitable site characteristics
6.Application process
7.Planning and design
8.Planning context and objectives
9.Planting singly
10.Planting in rows and silvoarable
11.Planting in groups and forest gardens
12. Planting in groups, design examples
13. Tree protection
14. Planting trees
15. Plantation management early years
16. Plantation management later years
17. Ash dieback conversion
18. Additional information

This booklet was produced by the Irish Agroforestry Forum ( and has been funded under the Forestry Promotion Scheme provided by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.

This first edition was printed in August 2024.

"Organic production in Serbia 2020" is a publication produced by Serbia Organika and it represents a unique and comprehensive study or analysis of the organic production sector in the Republic of Serbia.
The study provides an overview of the development and state of organic production, with the identification of needs, potential and challenges in the sector and detailed statistical data on crop and livestock production, geographical distribution, participants in the organic production sector, production structure. The study also presents the domestic organic market in detail. of products with a price overview, the value of the domestic market, the main marketing channels and market chains, as well as data on the value of exports and imports. Also, in the study you can find all the information about the legislative and institutional framework and the control system, as well as about incentive measures organic sector through national and IPARD measures.
In addition to the above-mentioned data on the organic sector in the Republic of Serbia, the study in a separate chapter also provides an overview of current trends on the international and EU market, an assessment of future trends in consumption and the predicted direction in the future development of the organic products market in the EU and globally.

This brochure is informative and provides general information about the goals and purpose of Measure 4 - Agro-ecological-climatic measure and organic production of the IPARD III program for the period 2021 - 2027 in Serbia.

Fact sheet on the multiple use of soils with agroforestry systems, the diverse design options of agroforestry are vividly presented. In addition to forest gardens and the keeping of farm animals, the cultivation of special crops and edible mushrooms is also examined in more detail. Once again, it becomes clear that agroforestry is an important approach for efficient land use and also for a sustainable intensification of agriculture. This is because multiple land use makes sense not only because of the possible synergies between woody plants and arable crops or farm animals. The topic sheet, which was developed as part of the AgroBaLa project, is thus the second edition of the DeFAF topic sheets, which take up different aspects of agroforestry.

DeFAF guideline to Soil Surveys in Strip-Shaped Agroforestry Systems. Agroforestry systems are highly variable in terms of design. In order to be able to carry out comparable investigations in the different systems despite this, a uniform approach for the collection of the individual parameters is required. A new DeFAF guide presents a research design that is recommended as a minimum standard for conducting pedological surveys in stripe-shaped agroforestry systems. In addition to the pedological "hard facts" such as sampling depth and time, the guideline focuses on sampling in transect design. This method makes it possible to mirror and study the heterogeneity of the soil in a strip-shaped agroforestry system.
The guidelines were produced as part of the project "Agroforstsysteme Hessen", funded by the Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.

A new children's book by DeFAF deals with this question, which explains the meaning and purpose of agroforestry systems in a child-friendly way. On a total of 48 pages, it tells the story of 9-year-old Alex, who experiences first-hand why planting and using trees in agriculture can be very useful. Not only does she encounter the wind sweeping across the fields, but she also gets to know different animals, their needs and why trees are so useful to them. With Sonja and Florian, who create an agroforestry system on their farm, Alex finds answers to her many questions.
The book was financed by the German Postcode Lottery with the aim to develop a book that describes to children the benefits of trees in agriculture for the production of raw materials and food as well as for climate and species protection

Conventional agriculture is very productive. But high productivity comes at a cost: soil that is depleted or eroded, watercourses that are polluted or drying up, and a food system that produces 20–40% of greenhouse gas emissions. Many people now agree that we urgently need to transform the food system, including agriculture. Agroforestry, as a nature-based approach to production and land use, will play an important role in this transformation. Agroforestry is not new; farmers have practised it for thousands of years, and scientists have recognized it since the 1970s as a productive and ecologically sustainable form of agriculture and land use. But now agroforestry is suddenly at centre stage; it is promoted as a land-use strategy to support climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation, biodiversity conservation, sustainable agriculture and other goals.

The publication discusses in detail the history of agroforestry in the context of Poland, the principles of designing and maintaining agroforestry systems, practical tips for seedlings, techniques for intercropping in orchards, and the specifics of management in woodland-pasture systems. Also discussed are the principles of introducing and maintaining hedgerows, windbreaks, anti-erosion strips, buffer zones, as well as economic importance of agroforestry systems. The handbook was created by authors representing various Polish institutions: The Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, The Institute of Horticulture - National Research Institute, and Polish Agroforestry Association. The publication is financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development under a targeted grant for IUNG-PIB.

The paper was published by the Agricultural Advisory Center in Brwinów, Poznań Division (Poland). The book was written with the cooperation of Polish and British authors. Numerous aspects of the history of agroforestry and its importance in Europe are discussed in detail. The results of experiments conducted in different types of agroforestry systems are aso included. The book presents mostly results of cultivation of different types of herbs in Agroforestry systems in Poland. However, techniques for creating effective agroforestry systems under different conditions in Poland are also discussed as well as possibilities of obtaining support for innovative farms were presented in this work.

Agroforestry systems are hardly implemented in agricultural practice in Germany, despite their numerous beneficial effects. Existing woody structures such as hedgerows, copses or windbreaks are little recognized and are predominantly seen as a disruptive factor of efficient farming.
The reasons for the insufficient attention paid to agroforestry systems are diverse and vary from region to region. They range from a lack of information
regarding their environmental performance and innovative value creation opportunities, inadequate advisory services, economic and technical inadequacies, a lack of regional utilization options, as well as legal uncertainties. The few research projects that have so far focused on agroforestry in Germany have focused on the survey and evaluation of the on the collection and evaluation of basic scientific data.
Against this background, the Innovation Group (IG) AUFWERTEN has dealt intensively with practice-relevant questions on agroforestry.
AUFWERTEN has formulated options for action to establish agroforestry more firmly in Germany. The handbook comprehensively analyzes the current situation of agroforestry in Germany and provides ideas and impulses for improving the framework conditions. It is intended to convey the essential possibilities and opportunities of agroforestry in a concise form in a way that facilitates thinking in contexts. The user will therefore find numerous cross-references to tools and methodological formats to successfully take the necessary steps towards more agroforestry. Both practical experiences and conceptual ideas are presented in a concise and topic-specific manner.


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