Scientific publications

AGROMIX aims to promote and publish scientific information concerning project results, which can be accessed and used by academics to stimulate further pure and applied research.

May 2024

Bringing back cattle grazing to abandoned farmlands. A lesson from silvopastoral ecological intensification in the landscape of the Carpathian foothills, SE Poland

Andrzej Bobiec, łUkasz Kuberski, Renata Tobiasz-salach, Grzegorz Zaguła, Paweł Wolański, Agnieszka Dołęga, Sebastian Wójcik, Taofeek O. Muraina, Robert Borek
May 2024

Small woody features in agricultural areas: Agroforestry systems of overlooked significance in Europe

Judit Rubio-Delgado, Susanne Schnabel, J. Francisco Lavado-Contador, Ulrich Schmutz
December 2023

Agroforestry supports high bird diversity in European farmland

Manon Edo, Martin H. Entling, Verena Rösch
November 2023

Reduced grazing and changes in the area of agroforestry in Europe

Judit Rubio-Delgado, Susanne Schnabel, Paul J. Burgess, Sara Burbi
May 2023

Outcomes of a comparison between pastoral and silvopastoral management on beef cattle productivity, animal welfare and pasture depletion in a Mediterranean extensive farm

Alice Ripamonti, Alberto Mantino, Francesco Annecchini, Alice Cappucci, Laura Casarosa, Luca Turini, Giulia Foggi, Marcello Mele
Call for submissions
Special Issue on "Climate resilience of agroforestry and mixed farming"


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