Daniël de Jong
Isabella Selin Noren
Maureen Schoutsen
Based in the Netherlands, Wageningen University and Research (WUR) is one of Europe’s leading research institutions for agricultural, food and life Sciences. Climate-smart solutions and nature-inclusive agriculture are two of WUR’s main strategic focuses. The Field Crops department of Wageningen Plant Research has several long-term experiments in conventional and organic farming, which has recently been extended to include an agroforestry site. The University has a long history in applied research, and has participated in several FP7 and Horizon 2020 projects, supporting other EU partners to work with stakeholders and create more impact in practice.
WUR is divided into two units: Wageningen University, and the Foundation Wageningen Research (WR). WR - as an agglomeration of several private research institutes such as Wageningen Plant Research and Wageningen Economic Research - provides knowledge for a wide range of public and private actors, and has an active role in knowledge and innovation fora at the regional, national and European levels.
The department of Wageningen Economic Research has strong expertise in sustainability assessments, such as economics and LCA. WEcR is part of the Sustainability Consortium and is also responsible for the national Farm Data Accountancy Network.