Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority (IE)

Ian Short

Mark Gibson

The Irish Agriculture and Food Development Authority (Teagasc) is the national body providing integrated research, advisory, and training services to the agriculture and food industry and rural communities in the Republic of Ireland. The organisation is funded by State Grant-in-Aid, research fees, advisory and training services, income from national and EU competitive research programmes, and revenue from farming activities and commodity levies.

Around 75% of Teagasc's yearly budget comes from the Irish exchequer and EU funding with the balance generated from earned income. Roughly 40% of the budget is devoted to research, with the remainder split evenly between advisory and education services. The 11-member Authority is appointed by the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine and has representatives from farming organisations, the food industry, universities, the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, and Teagasc staff.

Teagasc is a client-based organisation employing approximately 1,100 staff at 55 locations throughout Ireland, with an annual operating budget in excess of €160 million. Teagasc operates in partnership with all sectors of the agriculture and food industry and with rural development agencies. Teagasc has also developed close alliances with research, advisory and training agencies throughout the world, and is continuously seeking to expand their international network.

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