Ulrich Schmutz
Julia Stew
Julia Wright
Marco van de Weil
Jonathan Eden
Katharina Dehnen- Schmutz
Dennis Touliatos
Francis Rayns
Judith Conroy
Coventry University (CU) is an ambitious and innovative university in the United Kingdom. In 2018, Coventry University was ranked ‘Number One Modern University in the UK’ according to the Guardian and Times newspapers.
The University has a proven track record of delivering high-quality research, including through over 120 research contracts awarded by the European Commission. The University’s new £100m ‘Excellence with impact’ research strategy builds on this trend, transforming the way research is conducted by applying fresh and original approaches.
The University has a dedicated Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) (www.coventry.ac.uk/CAWR), which over the past 40 years has gained recognition for its research in ecological and organic land use and farming, driving innovative, transdisciplinary research to understand resilient food and water systems in Europe and globally. CAWR is the CU’s largest research centre, with more than 60 academic staff and PhD researchers.
The CAWR is hosted at Garden Organic (formally known as Henry Doubleday Research Association) - a research charity that has been at the forefront of sustainable farming and horticulture since 1954. CAWR has excellent on-site facilities including a sophisticated pollution laboratory and modelling facilities, as well as greenhouses, fields and gardens, including a forest garden to engage with the public. The centre is well connected to many multi-actors in the UK and Europe, including the ‘Wakelyns Agroforestry’ site of Professor Martin Wolfe, who was employed by CAWR until his death in March 2019. AGROMIX draws on the legacy of his work.