Ádám Varga
Laurence Eeckhout
Vasileios Gkisakis
Csaba Mezei
Thor Morante Brigneti
CEEweb for Biodiversity (CEEweb) is a network of 53 non-governmental organisations in
central and eastern Europe, which has been working in 20 countries for the past 25 years to conserve biodiversity through the promotion of sustainable development. Located in Budapest, Hungary, the CEEweb office works on transboundary projects across the region carrying out capacity building activities, and advocacy and lobbying campaigns to influence decision making processes. CEEweb’s current strategy focuses on sustainable land use management and sustainable resource use.
CEEweb has addressed and supported — through lobbying and advocacy at the policy level — national and EU policies (such as the post-2020 CAP) to overcome trade-offs. The network’s current activities include campaigning for sustainability proofing the EU Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) to support the agroecological transition to mitigate climate change and improve adaptability, suggesting agro-policy considerations for the EU’s rural and agricultural development.
CEEweb is currently implementing the EUKI-funded project ‘An unavoidable step after Paris: Cutting emissions from farming’, which investigates how the agricultural sector can contribute to climate mitigation, and raises awareness about the need for an ambitious legislative framework on climate change and agriculture. Past projects include ‘Visegrad Experience for Small-scale Family Farms in Serbia’, funded by the International Visegrad Fund, which focused on placing small family farms at the centre of food security, local economy and environmental protection, contributing to social, economic and environmental objectives via experience sharing and capacity building.
CEEweb identifies the drivers behind biodiversity loss, forming common policies and actions for the protection of biodiversity in central and eastern Europe, and promoting the enforcement of international conventions for nature and biodiversity conservation, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, among others.