Exploring Co-Design of Agroforestry Practice: Insights from AGROMIX Project's Angers Workshop

The 6th Co-Design Workshop took place in Angers, France, from 6-8 June. AGROMIX project partners met to further exchange knowledge and experiences related to the co-design of agroforestry practice exercises taking place at their respective pilot project sites.

The workshop brought together pilot teams and representatives from WP2, WP4, and WP7. One of the objectives of this workshop was to improve the knowledge and experience of the pilot teams to enhance the upcoming outputs of various tasks, such as the design manual (T2.1) and the catalogue of pilot designs (T2.2). The workshop fostered peer-to-peer learning among the pilot teams, allowing them to benefit from the experiences of different countries and climatic zones.

The workshop was hosted by French Research Institute for Organic Food and Farming (ITAB) colleagues Brieuc Desaint and Clemence Berne and was led by Wageningen University and Research’s Daniël de Jong.

The participants also had the chance to visit the French Pilot Project site: The Blue Pig Farm, an organic pig farm in western France that integrates agroforestry and fodder crops for pigs.

A very informative and engaging meeting indeed!

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