Webinar - Agroecology, Organic, Regenerative, Nature Based: A conversation on food systems sustainability framings

3 SEPT 2024

Sustainable”, “organic”, “agroecological”, “nature-based”, “regenerative” are increasingly being discussed in the context of food systems.

What are the differences and synergies between these concepts and frameworks, and how can they contribute to transforming our food systems?

The webinar will explore the differences and synergies between these concepts and frameworks, and how they can contribute to transforming our food systems.

Date: 3 September 2024
Time: 2:00- 2:45 PM CEST
🔗 Zoom Registration


  • Fergus Sinclair, Director of Agroecology, CIFOR-ICRAF & Transformative Partnership Platform on Agroecology
  • Ercilia Sahores, Founding Member and Latin America Director, Regeneration International
  • Choitresh (Bablu) Ganguly, Board Member, IFOAM - Organics International
  • Natasja Oerlemans, Head of Food team, WWF Netherlands

Moderated by Esther Kagai, Director, Cshep Kenya

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