Policy workshop on instruments and agricultural realities for the implementation of agroforestry systems in Brandenburg

28 Feb 2023
Agroforestry and sustainable agriculture

Agroforestry systems can contribute to sustainable land use by combining high land productivity with the provision of ecosystem services. In the upcoming CAP funding period, agroforestry

systems will be supported as an eco-scheme and investment support will follow in the second pillar, at least in Brandenburg. In cooperation with farmers, policy makers and conservationists we

want to develop policy recommendations as well as facilitate an open exchange between different stakeholders.

Why should you participate?

This workshop offers you the opportunity to exchange and discuss with representatives from agriculture, the private sector and public administration. The results of the workshops will be

presented to the EU Commission at the end of the project (summer 2024) and will serve as an input to future policy conditions under which agriculture can be made sustainable and viable for

the future.

Date and Venue

28th February 2023. From 10h to 16.30h.

Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF) e.V.

Eberswalder Straße 84, 15374 Müncheberg, Germany

More information

for more information please contact Alma Thiesmeier Alma from the Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF).

Email: Alma.Thiesmeier@zalf.de


Please note that this event will be in German

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