Policy White Paper

The AGROMIX project has produced a Policy White Paper, ‘Transforming European Food Systems with Agroforestry’, to explore the potential of agroforestry in fostering transformational change in the EU’s food system. It outlines the key barriers to uptake and provides policy recommendations developed among a diverse group of stakeholders as part of the EU AGROMIX research and innovation project. It also provides possible next steps to facilitate the adoption and implementation of agroforestry across member states. 
“It is my hope that this White Paper gets the deserved attention and contributes to a lively discussion with various engaged stakeholders. The voices of all farmers, from small family farms to larger ones as well as from agroforestry supply chains actors are important to be heard. I know that agroforestry can ‘transform landscapes’ and the food system. The backing of European policy makers to support this urgent transformation is indispensable” 
Elise van Broeckhoven 
Farmer at Plukboerderij Grondig, Gent, Belgium 
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